Reasonable accommodations


Parkade works with your building management team to handle reasonable accommodation requests related to parking.

How do I submit a reasonable accommodation request?

If you have a request for a reasonable accommodation related to parking, please submit that request in writing when possible, and include Parkade and your building management team in your request.

Who makes the decisions for reasonable accommodations?

Your building management team is ultimately responsible for any reasonable accommodation requests. If the requests relates to parking and is approved, they will work with our team to implement those changes.

Can I request a specific spot?

Yes, as a part of your request you can request a specific spot. Please keep in mind that the spot may not be guaranteed, as it is possible another resident also requested that spot as a part of a previously submitted reasonable accommodation request. We will work with you and your building manager to find a space that works best for you.

Do I have to request/park in a space specifically designated as accessible?

No, you are not restricted to only accessible parking spaces when making a reasonable accommodation request. You can make a request for a space that is most suitable for your specific needs.

I made a request for a specific spot in my building. What next?

If your request for a specific space is approved, Parkade will generally assign you the space in the app.

What if someone is in my assigned space?

Parkade makes reporting problems with your space easy — just tap on your spot in the app, then tap Report Parking Problem. We'll guide you through a quick reporting process, and you will be able to select a temporary spot while we sort out the issue with your assigned space.

Unfortunately, as other spaces are assigned to other residents, we cannot guarantee another nearby space will be available. That said, we will work with your management team to ensure the vehicle in your space is removed as soon as possible.

What if my reasonable accommodation request was for access for a caregiver/service provider?

If your request is approved, Parkade will work with your service provider/caregiver team to set them up with access to Parkade.