How can I cancel a reservation and receive a refund?


While the basics of cancellations are covered in our Reservation Terms, this page covers some of the details on how and when a reservation can be canceled.


As a Renter

Fixed-Date and Short-Term Reservations

To cancel, go to the Park tab and tap on the reservation, then scroll down and tap Cancel Reservation. You can cancel a firm-end-date or short-term reservation up until its start time. Once a firm-end-date or short-term reservation has started, it cannot be canceled. This is designed to incentivize courteous and responsible parking sharing among Parkade's members.

Exceptions are made when someone is parked in your spot. You can read more about what to do in those situations here: What if someone is parked in my spot, or I can't otherwise use it?

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Flexible-Term Reservations

Flexible monthly reservations are handled a little differently. These types of reservations are indefinite in length, so renters need the ability to terminate the rental. For these reservations, renters can cancel the reservation at any time they choose.

To cancel, similar to the process above, just find your reservation and tap Cancel Reservation. In this case, you'll be asked to select the date and time you want your reservation to end.

As a Host

Fixed-Date and Short-Term Reservations

Hosts can cancel an upcoming short-term reservation on the Host tab. Simply find the reservation you'd like to cancel, tap on it, scroll down, and tap Cancel Reservation. Once a reservation has started, it cannot be canceled in the app. Please contact us (and your renter) if you need assistance.

Flexible-Term Reservations

Hosts can cancel an upcoming long-term reservation on the Host tab using the same steps above. Once a long-term reservation begins, hosts can still cancel it, but must provide at least 14 days notice by selecting an end date at least 14 days in the future, to provide enough time for the renter to find another place to park. If you want to cancel a long-term reservation with less than 14 days’ notice due to unique circumstances, contact, and we’ll work with you and the renter to see what can be done. 


Refunds are handled automatically by our system, according to our cancellation policies.

Fixed-Date and Short-Term Reservations

If you cancel a fixed-date or short-term reservation before its start time, you will receive a full refund. Once a short-term reservation has started, it cannot be canceled and is not eligible for a refund.

We do not offer refunds for reservations that have already ended. If you experience difficulties with canceling a reservation, it is your responsibility to contact us before the reservation starts.

Flexible-Term Reservations

Once a flexible long-term reservation starts, you can cancel it at any time and receive a prorated refund based on the effective daily rate of the reservation's monthly price.

Remember: It is your responsibility to end your reservation when it is no longer needed. We are unable to offer refunds in situations where you forgot to set an end date for your flexible/long-term parking spot.

What if someone is in my spot?

For short-term reservations: You can receive a full refund for a reservation you submit a problem report for using the process in the app, as long as you submit the report within 1 hour of the reservation start time. You can receive a prorated refund if you report between 1 hour and 48 hours after the start time. If more than 48 hours have passed, you cannot receive a refund; instead, you will be provided the option to rent an alternative spot, similar to the flow for long-term reservations described below.

For flexible and fixed-date reservations: You can cancel your reservation and receive a full refund if you report someone parked in your spot and it's been less than 48 hours since the start time. After 48 hours have passed, you cannot cancel when reporting a problem, though you can still report a problem and receive a temporary spot, depending on availability.

If someone is parked in your spot, you must use the report feature to be eligible for a refund. We do not provide refunds if your spot was taken and you did not report the vehicle using the app. If you cannot use the app to report a problem, you will only be eligible for a refund if you contact us by email before the end of your reservation.

Please be aware that abuse of the report system can and will result in removal from Parkade's platform.

What if I forgot to cancel my long-term reservation?

We do not offer refunds for reservations that are not canceled in line with the policies above, for any reason.

What if I can't cancel my spot in the app?

If it hasn’t been more than 15 minutes after your reservation start time, you can email us at

I had to rent a temporary spot because someone was parked in my spot. Can I be refunded for this?

Parkade offers temporary parking, for free, if there are any building-owned spots available when you report a problem within the app. If there are any building-owned spots available, you'll see a "Relocate temporarily (free)" option pop up after you submit a problem report. Unfortunately, there are times when there are no available building-owned spots to rent temporarily.

Normally, with other parking solutions, you would be out of luck and have no option other than parking on the street (assuming you don't risk parking in another resident's spot and potentially being towed!). However, Parkade makes it possible for residents to sublease their spot to others, so we also give you the option to rent a spot from another resident.

In these cases, we can't offer discounts/refunds, since the other resident needs to be compensated for their spot.

We take reports of vehicles parked in spots without permission seriously. Depending on your building's policies, unauthorized vehicles will be towed, or their owners will be issued penalty fees (and eventually towed if they don't move).