Enforcement Rules and Policies


As outlined in our Terms of Service and Reservation Terms, Parkade and your building reserve the right to request to have your vehicle towed or issue penalty fees to you when your vehicle is reported parked somewhere it shouldn't be. To appeal a fee or ask a question about a tow, please either respond to the email we sent to you notifying you about the enforcement action, or contact us at hello@parkade.com.

Please note that Parkade is not a towing operator. We work with towing vendors for buildings to conduct parking enforcement, but we do not receive any kind of compensation for towed vehicles, nor do we have any physical control of your vehicle once it is removed from the parking lot.

General reasons that penalty fees won't be refunded and tow fees won’t be reimbursed:

Below are some common reasons given for violating parking rules. While these reasons may seem valid to the violator, they do not address the rules put in place by Parkade or the building. These reasons generally won’t result in the penalty fee being refunded or a tow fee being reimbursed.

"I was only parked for 5 minutes"

No errand, task, or event, no matter how short or how important to the parker, is an acceptable excuse for unauthorized parking.

"I was late for a business (or personal) appointment"

Being late does not permit unauthorized parking.

"There was no other place to park"

It is a parker’s responsibility to locate authorized parking. Parkade allows requests to be made to other parkers in the garage to request a short-term space, even when none are available in the app.​ If you still cannot find a space, you need to find parking in another location.

"I didn't see the sign" or "I didn't understand the sign"

Parkers are required to look for signs when parking. Saying that you did not see a sign about parking restrictions is not an acceptable excuse.

"Only part of my car was parked where it shouldn't be"

A penalty fee is not based on a certain percentage of the vehicle being parked incorrectly. If part of the vehicle extends into a restricted area, or someone else's parking spot, the penalty fee is the same.​

"The app bugged out when I was making my reservation"

Until you receive confirmation by email and in the app that you have reserved a space, you may not park there. If you have issues with placing a reservation, it is your responsibility to contact us.

"I left someone in the car," "I left my parking lights on (or blinking)," "I left a note on the car," or "I left the motor running"

The presence of a passenger, a note, or blinking lights is not a valid reason to dismiss a penalty fee.

"Nobody else got a ticket" or "I've seen other people do this"

Parking violations stand on their own, regardless of whether or not a neighbor got away with a similar or the same offense.​

"Someone else was driving my car" or "This was my guest's vehicle, not mine"

The registered owner, renter, or lessee is responsible for a parking violation, unless they can prove their vehicle was being driven by someone without their approval. As stated in Parkade's Terms, a primary renter for a host spot is responsible for ensuring their guest parks in authorized locations only.

"This rule was not enforced in the past"

Apparent failure to enforce parking rules is not a valid excuse for unauthorized parking.​

"I've done it for years" or "Everybody else does it"

This is never a valid excuse for unauthorized parking.

"The space was available in the app"

If a spot is marked as available in the app, that means it is available to be rented through the app. It does not mean the space is available for you to park in for free without a reservation. Similar to how a metered parking spot works, you are required to pay for the parking spot in order to park in it.