Does Parkade offer customer support by phone?
Parkade does not currently offer general phone support for most customer issues. That may sound surprising to you, but there are many reasons we have chosen not to do so.
Our team is always online and ready to assist with any problems you might have, so you never need to worry about not being able to reach someone! During normal business hours, you should expect to hear back from a member of our team within a few minutes, and our response times are a top metric for our team.
Of course, as Parkade grows we might re-approach phone support, but as of now we firmly believe that providing support by text-based channels offers much more benefit than phone-based support can provide. Here are some reasons we believe this:
1. Helps maintain transparency & accountability
Things can be lost in phone conversation, and that can lead to confusion from everyone involved. We want to be as forthright as possible with you in our communications, and ensure we limit miscommunication, misinterpretation, or mistakes as much as possible.
2. Helps actually solve your problem
In many (we'd argue most) cases, a phone call will not get you to a faster resolution with parking. For example, if someone is parked in your space, we provide a quick solution immediately within the app.
3. Ensures proper records
Was a vehicle towed? Maybe you spoke to someone on the phone, but you can't remember their name. Over the phone there might have been some interference that caused you to hear "spot 101" as "spot 1." All of these issues go away with text-based support, and helps ensure everyone is on the same page.
4. Sustainability
Phone support, unfortunately, is not free. Oftentimes this means either increasing costs born by the customer, or redirecting phone support to third party providers. We prefer to keep things in-house to ensure a consistent message, and to ensure top-quality service is being provided to our buildings and parkers.
Feedback is welcome!
Our team is always open to feedback. If you want to share your thoughts on phone support, you can contact us at